Like other social networking platform WhatsApp has gained popularity very rapidly in Pakistan. WhatsApp mainly due to the popularity of the social networking platform voice chat, group chat and media sharing features. That is why I bring Watts up new features. In this context, WhatsApp …
Samsung's long stay in the news fold Portable smartphone is likely to come in 2017. The South Korean company has a fold Portable Mobile Map has submitted a patent application. According to Korean news site, Samsung Korea He…
Domestic recipe from nail face mhasun skin black nails gives you the jewel of beauty and good looks too ill to face, but now you can find from a simple domestic prescription ugly nails in just a few days. Her nails, are featured in the back and ear because there are gla…
YouTube 11 Useful Trucks YouTube is the world's most popular video-sharing Web site that millions of people watch videos daily. But ordinary people can not reach the knowledge of a few key tricks hidden inside that make a great experience to use this site.…
Earn money from home now sitting Twitter Social networking site Twitter has been making money by offering its users post videos. Yes, Twitter launched a scheme from August 30 to focus the users to share videos in which she made her earn money. For this, users mu…
Create new USA Gmail ID First thing first you need USA Gmail ID which must be US phone verified as well. For United States IP address you can use any free Virtual Private Network service like CyberGhost premium VPN or ZenMate for this purpose. After getting the USA IP you also need…
f you have compiled so much negative impact on your laptop's battery life that you know you may be accustomed to using Google Chrome browser. Google has promised in the past that they will improve the impact on the battery life of chrome, but so far has not confronted any differen…