Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

Easy way to achieve physical fitness

Do you want to be physically fit in every age, but do not exercise? No problem climbing stairs quickly to make his usual 40 seconds.

It came in a clinical study in Scotland.

To speed up as climbing stairs or be physically fit for the Stirling University Research 40 seconds three times a week is sufficient.

In the study that week so I could only ten minute walk, from the speed at which up to two times twenty, twenty seconds to run 12% more fit person to spend time sitting.

During the research 400 38 afradpr being reviewed medical reports.


The researchers said that does not require too much effort for physical fitness and exercise three times a week for forty seconds.

He said that if the increase in the base period or used to create any additional sessions on physical fitness level is much better.

He said that if the office actually climbing the stairs is easy to achieve physical fitness faster, especially if it is normal to be made.

That live in the office for eight hours and then the long distance from home to the gym to be very difficult and it is not possible for everyone, but it can be helpful in this regard physical activity shorter term, he said.

According to research will increase as the short physical activity, it will go to five percent improvement in physical fitness.

The study was published in the medical journal The Journal of medicine and Science in Sports and Excise

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Every country in the world's favorite website which

The nearly three billion people worldwide are estimated to use the Internet and its use is becoming so important that it affects the quality of life.

Interestingly, among the countries that are neighbors living in the fast WiFi connection and restrictions in the world, namely South Korea (fast Wi-Fi connection) and North Korea (strict web censorship).

Google is the world's most popular site, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Thailand and used it very much from Turkey to the UK etc.

In contrast, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Cambodia and Algerian secret video sharing website YouTube.

Russia's favorite site is working from social networks.

But the most interesting Malta, Israel and Albania where Google or YouTube rather than the newspaper's website is much like the Malta Times of Malta, Palestine and Al-Watan Voice Albania Gazeta Express.

China favorite site in honor of the Vietnam Kos Kos bydu the search engines.

If you look on the map, if black is for those who will look at countries where there is no data to Alex

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Domestic recipe from nail face mhasun

               Domestic recipe from nail face mhasun

skin black nails gives you the jewel of beauty and good looks too ill to face, but now you can find from a simple domestic prescription ugly nails in just a few days.Her nails, are featured in the back and ear because there are glands to produce sweat. An important reason for the frequent skin may appear black nails malnutrition, oil the skin, glands and close the pore.The face of the pore when excess oil and dead cells arise aurjld black nails. The difference between white and black nail nail on the face of the pore opening and closing. When the pore is open aksydayz get fat and skin cells and rinse black color option. 

Avoid scratching your fans do not come to the delicate skin of the black heads dust. It will be more dry and rough skin and will produce more oil. Black heads may also be removed from domestic prescriptions.Juice of half lemon and honey:Tpkayyn drops of honey on the open surface of the punch and got slowly to his face. Also, especially where there are nails rub well and leave the skin from 5 to 7 minutes. Then wash face with cold water. You will feel the difference. Then your skin will feel soft and shiny because it is a mixture of muscrayzr.Lemon and honey process:Lemons are acidic properties that help in the growth of new skin to remove dead skin from the face. His face is clean and Black heads seem to be low.Natural antibiotics and grdugbarsaf skin pores. Honey provides wishful skin and keeps clean the face. If you try this version 2 to 3 times a week will be nailed to the face.


Friday, April 15, 2016

Make beautiful teeth

Your smile sparkling white teeth do not wish to shining and many people have made thousands at the dentist for the purpose of undergoing his treatment, but you thought about ever natural methods or foods your teeth the beads are white?

Indeed, pearly teeth bright colored hair like you had a pretty routine so today.

But the good thing is that you do not need to spend too much for shining your smile, you really can not understand it from strawberry pop corn etc.

If there are to be about a few things that are helpful to your beauty Qureshi.

Clean teeth, eating or baking soda
Baking soda out of your kitchen and move in the bathroom, this white powder, which is the most pestis is part of toothpaste, naturally help bring back the whiteness of teeth. Mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in water and then apply on your teeth with the toothbrush. The whiteness of teeth begins to recover gradually and takes the teeth shine like pearls in bnalyny than usual.

Use astrabryz
Astrabryz stains can be removed from clothing, but that is a different effect on the teeth. Malys include fruit acids helps to restore the natural teeth cleaning, but just do not eat it because the adhesive on the teeth can be damaged tooth surface.

Salty water
Brine does not only help in cleaning natural teeth but also helpful in maintaining healthy gums. Use it as a teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water, then wash cold and Plymouth.

The cheese
Cheese is also a natural diet for dental treatment, which helps to strengthen the teeth. Kylsyym is present in cheese and is included in the structure of the surface cleaning, especially hard cheese etc. sydr Chase.

Dentists use coconut oil washing
Take a spoon and wash the teeth with coconut oil because it saves them stained spots. Add it to the extent possible while teeth cleaning is particularly ideal time for 15 minutes, helps eliminate bacteria and remove dirt on it.

More milk
Jaw bone is strong, while strengthening the level and structure of the milk teeth kylsyym. However, with milk are helpful in increasing the lemon water or tonic water in the Night Lights of teeth.

Pop Korn
Pop corn is also known as a clean diet, try this harsh corner of the removal or cleaning the bacteria on the teeth, if you for some reason at night can not brush your teeth that last diet pop some corn, as the quantity of skins.

Chewing helps the dental treatment that they give out particles trapped in corners or holes, in addition, it increases the amount of saliva which gets a natural acid teeth level of strength causes. The use of chewing gum from China proves to be much better.

Do not forget tongue cleaning
Our language should not be the result if food ensnares like tea and coffee granules but may face dental diseases. If the tongue cleaning in the number of bacteria causing dental disease increases 10 times and the solution is very simple, either a brush turn the language or language treatment to the device from home come.

Use inside your mouth petrolatum
Some quantity prevents the lipstick on her teeth, she vaseline women's lips that can later cause stains on teeth makes them awkward spots.

An apple a day
Also known toothbrushes of nature apples and they are an excellent tool for cleaning teeth if for any reason you can not clean the teeth of an apple skins and such raw carrots or cucumber also are the best alternative are.