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Easy way to achieve physical fitness

Do you want to be physically fit in every age, but do not exercise? No problem climbing stairs quickly to make his usual 40 seconds.

It came in a clinical study in Scotland.

To speed up as climbing stairs or be physically fit for the Stirling University Research 40 seconds three times a week is sufficient.

In the study that week so I could only ten minute walk, from the speed at which up to two times twenty, twenty seconds to run 12% more fit person to spend time sitting.

During the research 400 38 afradpr being reviewed medical reports.


The researchers said that does not require too much effort for physical fitness and exercise three times a week for forty seconds.

He said that if the increase in the base period or used to create any additional sessions on physical fitness level is much better.

He said that if the office actually climbing the stairs is easy to achieve physical fitness faster, especially if it is normal to be made.

That live in the office for eight hours and then the long distance from home to the gym to be very difficult and it is not possible for everyone, but it can be helpful in this regard physical activity shorter term, he said.

According to research will increase as the short physical activity, it will go to five percent improvement in physical fitness.

The study was published in the medical journal The Journal of medicine and Science in Sports and Excise


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