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how to make money facebook

 how to make money facebook

Facebook is now a source of additional income?

Facebook has started to search for new sources of income to make the individual users.

Yes Facebook wants feedback from individual users have been asked to be able to earn extra income from their posts over the last week and a survey distributed to people.

The survey outlined several ways for users to promote kmaskyn or the money through.

Income from the tip jar, branded content and advertising procedures listed in the poll book the revenue, a part of it.

The survey asked consumers to indicate their interest in "call to action" button that is seeking donations and other charitable purposes.

It is not clear that will provide for all users of Facebook options or can not benefit from this because only very user-Fi.

Now individual users from Facebook was not providing a source of income by posting on your site.

Is only allowed to earn through advertising publishers Instant formatted articles have been recently allowed to post on all brands sponsor the very fi pages.

If Facebook users were exposed to either earn the opportunity to be the first social media platform, introducing a revenue sharing program for consumers in 2007 by YouTube before.

However, Facebook is becoming the dominant platform offensive thinking in terms of real-time sharing and in this regard have been possible measures to encourage more users posts.
