Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Symptoms of a Child Experiencing Psychological Problems

Symptoms of a Child Experiencing Psychological Problems

Let's start our article by talking about how the family is an important factor in this issue, just before sharing what a child with psychological problems goes through and the symptoms that occur in this regard. In order for a child to have a healthy psychology, he must trust his family . After this step, learning in the child will begin to be fully beneficial. Children should play games according to their age group, receive feedback when they communicate, have a good time with their friends and family, and most importantly, they should grow up in a positive environment. Even if some of the factors we mentioned are missing, problems may begin.

A child begins to learn from the moment he is born. After a while, he starts to control his mental activities. However, after the age of five , he enters the process of emotional development and things can become much more complicated for him. Skills such as self-control, understanding and obeying the rules, and trying to find a solution in case of problems can be given as examples of these mental processes. If a healthy childhood is spent, these items will affect the child positively and make him/her a successful individual.

Psychological problems in children usually occur with learning problems, difficulty in controlling the senses, living an introverted life and behavioral disorders. So, what are the symptoms seen in children who have problems, how can they be helped and how can problems be noticed? Experts generally look for a number of symptoms to diagnose children with problems and ask how long it has been going on. 

They learn the duration of these symptoms from the family, the teacher, and the child's environment. Apart from these, they also benefit from some tests and the American Psychiatric Association 

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders called DSM-V.

The psychological problem or disorder experienced begins to be noticed when the child continues the behavior and performs similar behaviors. Afterwards, it is in the normal flow at the beginning of the process to determine whether his behaviors harm other people, how much it affects his own life, and the
problematic behavior. 

Some of the behaviors that family members and teachers can pay attention to and observe about children are as follows

How to Approach a Child with Psychological Problems?

People generally think that they will get rid of the problems and anxious situations quickly. But while this is sometimes the case for adults, this is not exactly the case for children. Because parents and teachers think that the problem will be temporary, they act comfortably and the child may experience
problems. For children who experience this situation, do research on what the problem
they experienced in the first place might be. Encourage your child to seek psychological help if necessary 
Apart from these, psychological problems should be supported by the family and the teacher, apart from a professional help. Unless the necessary care and effort is given, the child may feel lonely. If you see the problems and symptoms we have just mentioned in your child or in your environment, it is
useful to pay attention to the following issues:
  • No matter how mild the situation is, do not ignore this situation,
  • Do not neglect to communicate with your child and talk about their problems,
  • Do not constantly remind your child about lessons, exams and other responsibilities. 
  • Do not forget that your own mental health is more important and may experience irreversible problems,

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